Course Staff
The best way to contact the staff is through Piazza. If you need to contact the course staff via email, we can be reached at cs188 AT You may contact the professors or GSIs directly, but the staff list will produce the fastest response.
Please add to all emails
![]() Aditya Baradwaj
Head TA
Admin: cs188@
Personal: abaradwaj@
Hi all! I am a 4th-year EECS major from Chennai, India. Apart from 188, I have also TA'd 170 and 70 in the past. I'm interested in learning how to improve educational outcomes, particular in CS. In my free time, I enjoy reading about history and languages, and walking to the Big C.
![]() Alexander Li
Hi everyone! I’m a third-year EECS major from Saratoga, CA. I’m broadly interested in machine learning, and I’m a research assistant in Prof. Abbeel’s lab. In my free time, I like reading and playing basketball and volleyball.
![]() Daniel Ho
Hi everyone! I am a third-year CS major from Fremont, California. Apart from 188, I have also TA'd 70 and 61c in the past. My research interests include computer vision, reinforcement learning, and robotics. I like to read or work out in my spare time.
![]() David Gaddy
I am a third year Ph.D. student studying natural language processing. In my free time, I enjoy reading, playing card games, and watching TV.
![]() Ignasi Clavera
Hi all! I am 2nd year PhD student from Spain. I am part of BAIR, advised by Prof. Pieter Abbeel. My research is at the intersection of machine learning and control. Specifically, I aim to enable robotic systems to learn how to perform complex tasks efficiently.
![]() Jasmine Deng
Hi! I'm a fourth-year Computer Science major. This is my second time TA'ing CS 188 (I also TA'ed in Spring 2018), and I'm excited to be rejoining the staff. In my spare time, I like to watch YouTube, play card games, and catch up on sleep.
![]() Jonathan Ho
I'm a second-year PhD student advised by Prof. Pieter Abbeel. I'm interested in all sorts of topics in artificial intelligence and machine learning, including reinforcement learning and unsupervised learning.
![]() Katie Luo
Hello! I am a 5th years masters EECS student here at Cal. In my spare time, I like playing smash, drinking boba, and napping. It is my second semester teaching cs188, and I look forward to working with the staff again!
![]() Laura Smith
Hi everyone! I'm a third year CS major from Orange County, California (the home of Disneyland :^)). My research interests are in reinforcement learning and vision-based robotics. Outside of class, I love playing cards, baking treats, and taking naps. 188 is an exciting class, and I hope you enjoy it this semester!
![]() Mitchell Stern
I'm a fourth-year Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley working with Dan Klein and Michael Jordan. I'm broadly interested in natural language processing, machine learning, and optimization.
![]() Nikhil Sharma
Nikhil Sharma is an undergraduate at UC Berkeley. He works on the development and application of differentially private machine learning and data analytics algorithms as a member of Professor Dawn Song's research group.
![]() Nikita Kitaev
I’m a fourth-year PhD student studying natural language processing, advised by Dan Klein. This is my second time TAing 188 (the first was in Fall 2017). I took this class as an undergrad at Berkeley, when Prof. Abbeel and Klein were also co-teaching it.
![]() Noah Golmant
Hi, all! I'm a senior studying math and CS. I'm interested in stochastic optimization and machine learning. I'm currently working on large-scale optimization methods for deep learning with Professors Joseph Gonzalez and Michael Mahoney. I was head TA for this class in the summer and a TA for CS189 before that. I enjoy reading (mostly novels), hiking, and playing music.
![]() Ronghang Hu
Ronghang Hu is a Ph.D. student in computer science at EECS Dept., UC Berkeley, working with Prof. Trevor Darrell. His research interests include visual and linguistic reasoning (image description, expression grounding, question answering, and visual dialog), and visual perception (object detection and segmentation).
![]() Thanard Kurutach
I am a third-year PhD student in BAIR, where I am co-advised by Prof. Stuart Russell and Prof. Pieter Abbeel. I am interested in developing algorithms that enable robots to efficiently solve complex decision-making problems via learning and planning. Outside of research, I like playing all kinds of sports.
![]() Wilson Yan
Hi everybody! I’m a third year CS and Applied Math major from the Bay Area. In my free time, I enjoy reading, hiking, playing video games, and eating good food. Feel free to chat with me anytime, and I look forward to meeting you all!
![]() Yi Wu
I am a fifth-year PhD candidate in AI, advised by Prof. Stuart Russell. My research interests include deep reinforcement learning, probabilistic programming and natural language processing. I was a TA of CS280 in spring 2018.